East Scarsdale Scouts
What Does a Youth Commissioner do?
A Youth Commissioner is a member of the District leadership team, The role requires working with the District Commissioner and the District Chair to support young people within scouting ranging from 6 – 25 years old.
The role is to ensure that young people from 6 – 25 years are involved and engaged in every decision that shapes their Scouting experience locally and to empower young people to share their ideas and have a meaningful voice in planning, implementing and reviewing their programme and opportunities. The role normally is a 3 year placement however depending on age and a review, may be extended if they mutal agree.
What are the Appointment Requirements
You must successfully complete the appointment process During the five months of Provisional Appointment the relevant Getting Started modules must be completed. A Wood Badge must be completed during the Appointment, and ongoing safeguarding and safety training must be completed, Must be eligible for Charity Trustee Status (as a member of the District Executive Committee). This all sound very complex and scary but speak with the District Commissioner if you have questions about training.
What are examples of Main Tasks
Champion, encourage and lead the work to ensure that, by 2022, scouting in the District is shaped by young people in partnership with adults. This will be achieved by working in partnership and collaboration and with the District Commissioner, District Chairperson, Group Scout Leaders and District Team.
Supporting youth-shaped Scouting in the Programme
Visit Section Meetings to talk and inspire young people and young adults about youth-shaped Scouting and what is happening within their District.
Support Groups and Sections to provide local youth engagement opportunities including forums
Together with the District Scout Network Commissioner, and Programme Coordinators, encourage Scout Network members to shape and lead projects and activities for the District Scout Network.
Encourage youth leadership at all levels within Groups and Sections (Young Leaders, Sixers & Seconders, Patrol Leaders & Assistant Patrol Leaders etc.)
Work with ADCs (Sections) to support Leaders and other adult volunteers to embed youth shaped Scouting.
Developing Young People
Work with other adults to identify, encourage and develop talented young people and young adults who wish to become more involved in shaping Scouting.
Provide support to 18-25 year old members on Executive Committees.
Increase the role and participation of young people in the leadership and management of the District.
Embedding Young People in Local Decision Making
Work with all members of the District to ensure that the views of young people are represented in decision making.
Encourage the creation and greater participation in meaningful Youth Forums
Appoint, support and manage a Youth Forum Lead.
Ensure that recommendations from the Youth Forum to the District Executive Committee and District Team are considered and appropriately implemented and that an effective method to provide feedback on outcomes to the Youth Forum is in place.
Sit on the District Executive Committee in order to represent the Young People of the District
Wider Engagement
Establish a robust method of communicating with the District Commissioner and young people within the District.
Work as a key part of the District Leadership Team contributing and taking an active part in the delivery of the District Development Plan.
Work with the County Youth Commissioner to develop youth-shaped Scouting within the County, providing feedback to adults and young people.
Work with other local Youth Commissioners to feed into the UK Youth Commissioner Team including taking part in national training and conference opportunities (often virtual).
Person Specification
• 18-25 years old E
Skills required:
• Ability to lead teams E
• Excellent written and communication skills E
• Be computer literate E
• Be a self motivator and be able to motivate others positively E
• Able to work well in meetings E
• Excellent presenting and facilitating skills E
• Ability to work and engage with young people aged 6 – 25 E
• Ability to work and engage with adult members E
• Be articulate E
• Ability to speak publicly E
• Ability to be persuasive E
• Ability to work within predefined limits (for examples timescales and budgets) E
• Ability to accept and positively respond to responsibility E
Knowledge and experience:
• An understanding of The Scout Association’s Structure and procedures D
• Previous experience of youth involvement/participation D
Qualities required:
• Accept the policies and rules of The Scout Association E
• Willingness to become a member, take The Scout Association Promise and
wear the Scout Uniform E
• Accept and promote Scouting’s fundamentals and the implementation of the E
youth programme
• Have time available, amongst other commitments to commit to the workload E
• Ability to meet deadlines E
• Be in a position to travel within the District, as required E
• A willingness to promote the agreed, viewpoints rather than perpetuate E
personal views
Benefits to you:
• Employability skills
• Management experience
• Strategic thinking
• Key volunteer for a national not-for-profit organisation
• Build confidence
• Training available if required
To apply for this job email your details to vacancies@eastscarsdalescouts.org.uk.