Most of you will hopefully know me or have at least seen me around the District, and if not, I’m Josh, the new District Commissioner. Formally District Communications and Cub Scout Leader at Killamarsh. I look forward to meeting with you all again especially now that COVID restrictions are starting to ease and we can now get back to what we all do best, Scouting! It’s been a hard year for everyone, Life as we know it has changed and this include Scouting! We have shown that in the face of difficulty’s, we can survive just like our predecessors during the war, altering our approach to delivering our program and keep pushing forward.
I think it’s important to explain the reason why I volunteered to be District Commissioner. Scouting is an amazing movement that offers young people fantastic opportunities that they would not otherwise receive. We as leaders support them every week and push them to become role models in society but who supports us? Most groups have amazing Group Scout Leaders who do incredible jobs at supporting their leaders but it shouldn’t be left just to them. The District should be there to offer support and guidance for both Groups Scout Leaders and Section Leaders.
Scouting isn’t just for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers but for the Leaders as well. You should enjoy what you’re doing and get something back from it. An opportunity to abseil down a wall, get stuck while weaselling (We have all done it), learn new skills or develop your existing ones. You should be supported in your pursuit of happiness.
I do hope you will join me in moving the district forward following on from the great work Chris has done and I want to take the time to thank Chris for his amazing work over the last 5 years in promoting and supporting the district and we wish him luck in his next steps.
Lastly I would like to thank you all for your time and commitment to Scouting and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to get in contact.