A year ago we sadly closed all of our groups doors along with thousands of other scout groups across the county in order to keep us all safe. Despite this, some of our amazing groups took Scouting online and kept Scouting fresh in our young peoples minds. Still teaching them valuable skills and keeping them connected to the local community’s. However time has moved on and we are now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. With guidance from the Scout Association and the National Youth Agency we are making changes to the rules imposed on our groups and moving to AMBER Level which means the following rules now apply to Scouting with the East Scarsdale and England.
- Section meetings can take place outdoors only. No residential activities.
- Activities involving young people: no limit on group size but remain as only one section meeting independently of others.
- Scout Network programmed activities (non social): no limit on group size but remain as only one section meeting independently of others.
- Adult activities (non-social) with no young people present: check local government guidance
Note: Where small sections may struggle to be viable to operate independently they may join with another section at this time.
Note: The number of adults present should be limited to those who are required to be present to support the activity. It’s important to remember that we’re still in the middle of the pandemic and we all have the duty to make sure we’re following the letter and spirit of the guidance.
Note: Activities (including those away from your usual meeting place) should be planned to minimise risk by limiting travel at all times. Check the guidance on planning activities in terrain zero.
Note: In line with the government moving to Step 2 (no earlier than 12th April 2021) we are anticipating a move to AMBER indoors at this point. This allows for meetings indoor, outdoors and day trips and visits (overnight and residential experiences will remain prohibited in Amber) within amber. It is expected that maximum group sizes will be in place for indoor activities, this will be confirmed the week before the move to allow indoor activities.
Groups that need guidance on what this means for them should visit The Scout Association’s Website or contact the District Commissioner.